Good practices

Good practice examples show the evolution of vocational, university and careers guidance in Switzerland.

Careers guidance in Switzerland

Careers guidance in Switzerland is organised on a cantonal basis. The Swiss conference of heads of vocational, university and careers guidance, KBSB/CDOPU (in German and French) was set up by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education EDK. It is in charge of intercantonal coordination, and serves as a forum for information and experience-sharing. The KBSB/CDOPU provides statistics and advice, as well as an overview of good practice in Swiss guidance. Some examples:

Canton of Aargau – education and training for all

Adults receive personal support as they train towards a vocational qualification (VET/FVC), accompanied by mentors. The service is aimed at adults aged 25 and over who have professional experience but no diploma. Specialised counselling enables them to define a realistic goal. Mentors support participants until they achieve their target desired qualification. This support can take various forms, such as finding an apprenticeship, helping in difficult situations, encouragement, etc. Mentors are trained during a preparatory seminar.

Canton of Lucerne – 'Exploring professions': a personalised pathway at the career fair

The aim of this tool is to focus attention on appropriate professions, instead of simply wandering around the careers fair. The adventure begins with the questionnaire. Young people answer a series of questions about their interests online and receive a code. This enables them to pick up a personalised map of the exhibition at the information stand. It shows a route through the stands based on their interests, so they can quickly and easily find the stands representing professions that match their profile.

Canton of Ticino – school pupils explore career options

The project aims to introduce boys and girls aged 9 to 12 to the vast choice of careers. It is intended to awaken their curiosity and to break down stereotypes. Fun, active programmes are hosted by the careers guidance office in Bellinzona. Examples include treasure hunts between professions, finding information by means of questionnaires, etc. The aim is to allow pupils to explore different professions and dismantle. It broadens their knowledge and prepares them for career guidance in the future.

Canton of Valais – evaluation of training options for migrants

This programme is aimed at people who are immigrants in Switzerland and who wish to start training after interim training or simply a language course. Their situation is analysed on the basis of a variety of activities. This allows resources to be identified and skills to be assessed, determining a specific pathway for them. Participants become aware of their skills and possible obstacles. They familiarise themselves with the requirements of the Swiss labour market. During the final evaluation, each participant presents their project in front of a representative of the local integration office.

For more examples of good practice, statistics, etc:
